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Bloody Chamber

For the show Bloody Chamber my role was AV. For the AV there was TV screens on both sides of stage. For this show the director wanted flickering on the screen like a silent movie.After I found a GIF of a flicking empty film screen. For the flickering effect we tried using the AV desk I was using (Roland V-1600HD) which has an option for a flicker filter. Unfortunately the flicker filter on the desk would only work when you turned it on and would only do a single flicker.

I then had to choose a font. Me and the director went through a range of fonts until we came across the font you see in the image above.

(Lovely Home

The AV had 19 slides which all had the title of the scene within it.

The Bloody Chamber

Leaving Mother

The Journey


Grand Tour

Encountering The Master

The Ruby Necklace

The Seduction


Remembering Mother



The Search

The Bloody Chamber

The Countess Disobedient


Erasing The Evidence



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